A review by christie_seiler
Between Heaven and Earth by Michele Paige Holmes


*I received a free ebook for an honest review*

Between Heaven & Earth has Cassie Webb living in limbo while she waits for her husband to come back to her. While she waits however, life moves on around her as she takes care of her son Noah, coaches soccer, manages her career and falls in love.

The heartbreak of this novel is heavy right from the beginning. I just got that feeling that the happiness I felt at the beginning of the novel, wasn't going to last. At first when you learn of Cassie and Devon's situation, there is so much hope. But as the story reveals, hope slowly dwindles as you realize Devon has been unconscious for 6 years. Cassie does her best to be the best mom she can be to Noah, meanwhile thinking about Devon and visiting him on a regular basis and hoping daily for him to wake up and come home.

This novel brought a story that I haven't read before, that I hadn't even thought of before. The journey that Cassie had to go through, her struggle to be a single parent meanwhile she has a husband, her struggle to decide what is best for her unconscious husband and the best decisions for Noah, and in the end the best decisions for herself.

I found my heart conflicting all of the time- I wanted Devon to wake up so him and Cassie could go back to the way they were at the beginning of the novel and be happy again. However, I wanted Cassie to move on and be happy with Matt. I loved the dynamic and instant family that was created when Matt was introduced with his 2 sons, and I just couldn't help but silently root for this love story to blossom.

The novel was beautifully written, however I found it a bit long- but when I look back I negate my statement because it felt like it needed to be this long to fully understand how long Devon has been unconscious and how hard a decision Cassie had to make in the end.

I found the ending a bit predictable, but it was a typical happy ending which was great after such an emotionally charged novel.