A review by iam
The Reckless Kind by Carly Heath


I was brought to this book by a rather misleading route, so it wasn't quite what I expected- however, the main reason I read it was because there were supposed to be horses in it, and there were, so I am happy.

This historical story ended up charming me despite its simplicity. It's about a group of young people with strong romantic, platonic and familial ties between that weather the misfortune thrown at them again and again together.

Otherness, through queerness, religious non-conformity and disability was at the center of this novel. It was wonderfully handed from my (limited) perspective, and according to the afterword, a lot of the disability representation is based on the author's own experiences as well as research. The asexuality rep was wonderful to me as an ace reviewer, and I adored the queerplatonic relationship as well.

Equally well handled was the horse stuff. I am by no means an expert on horses, but I do love them and have my fair share of experience with handling them, and while I cannot speak on realism it sure seemed believeable and satisfying to me as a never-recovered horse kid.