A review by bookwoods
Raybearer by Jordan Ifueko


This is the best YA fantasy I have ever read. I didn’t have super high expectations as I'm usually much more into adult fantasy, but I ended up feeling like this is a perfect mix - the characters are teenagers yet the tone and relationships feel mature and the themes are incredibly complex. Also, Ifueko’s prose and world building are lighter than in epic fantasy, which made Raybearer (and Redemptor) such a delightful escapist dream to immerse into when I didn't really have the mental capacity for more demanding books. 

I’ve struggled with describing the world and the story, but here’s some key points: the story focuses on the ruling caste and politics of a large empire, the magic is mostly mental in nature, the mythology is influenced by West African culture and the underworld plays a big part. I was highly impressed by how realistically feelings of responsibility, duty and morality were tackled, and I could understand why the characters acted like they acted even if I didn’t always agree. I’ve already finished the other part of the duology, Redemptor, and that’s just as good!