A review by torrie_reads
Evil Eye by Etaf Rum


"Who cares what the world sees when you can't even stand to look at yourself?"

This was one of my most anticipated books of the year because I loved A Woman Is No Man so much. I put it off because I was worried since a few others I was waiting for this year had been a let down. But this one didn't let me down at all. 

This exploration of what it is to be a woman. To have multiple desires. To love your children but to still want something that is your own, this is what we need more of. 

Yara's story is the story of so many women. The gaslighting, the guilt, the hunger for something... more. I devoured this story. My heart ached for Yara and cheered for her to find herself in a world where women are supposed to blend in and accept the life they have been handed. And then be grateful for it. Even if it is nothing like they imagined. 

Pick this one up! Y'all won't regret it.