A review by aprilsarah
Firstborn by Tosca Lee


I can't tell you how excited I was to finally get my hands on a copy of this book. There were so many questions left by the first book that I just needed to be answered. And boy was this one a whirlwind of a story.

The settings (and clothing) were once again beautifully laid out. And the pacing of this book, holy cow, you could never stop to breathe. The action, and hits, just kept on coming.

I struggled a bit with the pacing because of that. At points, the continues running got repetitive and frustrating. I wanted to learn things and get to know the characters but it never felt like I did. I wanted to make connections that never felt fully flushed out. Everything felt surface level.

While the story did get rounded out there were still some ends that I wanted to be wrapped up, or just further information on. It all felt so open-ended. And I guess to some extent that is what life is, but here it left me a little bereft. All this build up and then... well one simple thing and that was it.

Now I do like some of the things that the story brought up, the struggle of looking at the world as black and white, what it means to be in the wrong or right side. There is a lot there, but I feel like there could have been more.

Overall I did enjoy this read and the story it was trying to tell, I just felt like there could have been more.

Full Video Review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bvohs29ztSY