A review by rhodaj
Street Without a Name: Childhood and Other Misadventures in Bulgaria by Kapka Kassabova


This was my read the world selection for Bulgaria.

This book is in two parts: the first covers the authors life growing up in Communist Bulgaria until she left at age 19, immigrating to New Zealand. The second part of the book covers various trips she makes back to Bulgaria to visit family and sightsee.

I very much enjoyed the first part of the book about her childhood and was fascinated to read about her neighbourhood, schooling and general facts about life in Bulgaria under Communist rule.

The second part of the book was unfortunately not nearly as interesting and some parts were quite dull, although it did have some interesting themes relating to where one most feels ‘home’ or perhaps even feeling that you don’t really have one. ⭐️⭐️⭐️/5 from me.