A review by mountainblue
Sergei by Roxie Rivera


I saw this book on GR list and decided to take a chance on it and I got quickly sucked into the romance and passion of both Bianca and Sergei's love story.

It was refreshing how, despite their differences in race, culture and career, Bianca and Sergei loved each other enough to be mature, honest, sensitive and respectful with each other. They were not perfect people, they both had emotional scares and their own vulnerability to deal with but this didn't overshadow the story. In fact, it just enhanced the plot and made the characters well rounded instead of annoying and overly dramatic.

Sergei maybe one scary gigantic Russian guy who works as a body guard and an enforcer for mob boss Nikolai Kalasnikov and who fights as Nikolai champion in the underground bare-knuckle circuit but when it comes to Bianca, he is one sweet, sexy and protective big teddy bear!

I loved what Bianca did at the end there, it turned the usual rule governing romance stories right on its head and I loved! I was punching the the screaming *You go girl! Show these namby pamby heroines how its done!*

This book focused on Bianca and Sergei's romance but there was just enough drama and back story on other previous characters to balance out everything and keep the story interesting.

Bianca and Sergei complemented each other so well and their story was just perfect. Now I'm going to go back and read the first book in this series and see if it is as good as this one.