A review by impybelle
Corinne to the Rescue by Wendy Wan-Long Shang


Oh, how I wish we were still in the days of the GOTYs getting three books. I'd love to see what else Corinne gets up to. As it is, her second book is a fun read for those looking for a bit of adventure. After convincing her stepfather, Arne, that they absolutely must go camping again over the summer, Corinne is looking forward to sharing her family tradition with her best friend and her new dog, Flurry. She's hoping to help Flurry learn a few new tricks to help with her goal of being a rescue dog as well as getting some good quality time with Cassidy and her family before things change.

Things don't go as planned and it's up to Corinne, Cassidy, and Flurry to save the day.

I really liked how Corinne's problem in the first book (not telling people what's bothering her) is still touched upon but that she's learned from those particular mistakes. Yes, she still holds some worry in, but not as long and it's not really the cause of the problems in this book. Character growth is fun to see in action.

While my interest in Flurry's training isn't super high, I do like the family bonds on display and the fact that Cassidy and Corinne get to actually spend time together in this book. Yay!