A review by lifeinthebooklane
Blood Flows Deep by N. Isabelle Blanco


We are introduce to quite a few characters in a short time and it took me a little while to work out/remember who was who. Once this happened, and the plot starts to really flow I was totally immersed in the story. Reading other reviews I think this book has had some reworking as the blurb and title are different now and Dyletri is the god of lust, not fertility.

The book has smokin' hot gods, snarky goddesses, not 1 but 3 kick-ass female humans, several baddies, the fates demanding their due and a whole lot of prophecy and destiny. It's also got intrigue, adventure and chemistry that is hot enough to set fire to your panties. And stirring it all together is Nylicia, that girl knows so much more than she is letting on.

Looking back I could probably summarise the whole book in a few sentences, and yet at no point did it feel slow or dragging. I was totally gripped by this wonderful tale that blended urban fantasy on Earth with happenings on other realms. This could be read as a stand alone, not that I'd want to because I'm looking forward to reading more about these characters. However it is clear that parts of this story are setting up plot lines for future books, so whilst there isn't a cliffhanger there are 'loose ends'.

It dropped a star because whilst I enjoyed the book it didn't tug at my emotions and I do have to agree that there is no relationship building between Dyletri and Ismini. I found the connection/chemistry between them believable but it did come across more as outside forces pushing them together rather than them falling in love.

This is a new-to-me author and, as I've already said, I enjoyed this book enough to want to continue the series.