A review by chrstnareads
Animal Husbandry by Laura Zigman


Three words: New Cow Theory. If you haven't read this, or seen the movie Someone Like You, the New Cow Theory states that men are like bulls: they tend to mate and then get the hell out of Dodge. What this means is that you may date a man for x number of months or years, but eventually he will leave you for a newer, younger, fresher cow/woman. You may try to disguise yourself as a newer, younger, fresher version of yourself, but the man/bull will always know you're "mutton dressed as lamb." This may sound depressing, and it kind of is, but Animal Husbandry tells the tale of Jane Goodall, a producer for a small television talk-show, as she tries to figure out what it means to be a thirtysomething woman looking for love and dealing with love-lost in a quirky, heartwrenching, funny and all-around enjoyable way. As you read you become invested in the characters, laughing and crying along with them, which is all you can ask for in a good piece of fiction. So come see how Jane tries to weed through the "Old Cow Sob Stories" as she tries to find a truly sympathetic, loving and monogamous man.