A review by jax_21
Sisters' Fate by Jessica Spotswood



I stayed up till 2 in the morning to finish (totally worth it)! At the end of book two Cate and a couple girls helped break out girls from Harwood, Inez and Maura and a few others used mind magic to turn the head council of the Brotherhood in to vegetables and Maura ERASED Cate from Finn's memory! If that's not a lot to deal with I don't know what is! I have to say that I was not a fan of Maura. I get that she wanted to be the chosen one and she wanted to be important, but you don't throw a temper tantrum and betray your sisters because you didn't get your way! I don't think I have ever disliked a character as much as I dislike Maura. And yet for all Maura has done Cate still protects her and still defends her. This is why I like Cate so much. She's fiercely loyal and she's willing to put herself in danger not only for those she loves but also for those who are mere strangers to her.

At the end Cate makes the mistake of telling Maura that she is not the oracle but Tess is. Which of course causes problems! Because if you can guess Maura is going to run to Inez and tell her straight away! This honestly surprised me. I know I shouldn't have been surprised but I was. Maura may not have been on good terms with her sisters but I really didn't think that she would tell Inez something that is that important. But I guess I just kept hoping that Maura would begin to redeem herself! And despite all that is happening Cate continues to come through. She's strong and kind and willing to do what's right regardless of the bad situations around her. Cate and Finn are what really made me fall in love with this story! The fact that Finn does not want Cate to change who she is and he loves her regardless of the fact that she's a witch. He is another character who wants to do what's right and his mother is fantastic! All through this series was the prophecy "One Cahill sister will kill another" and to be honest I was hoping it was Maura! I'm sorry for any of you fans who like Maura (although I'm not sure you exist), but I just hated her character! She was mean and spiteful and just wanted everyone to pick her first. It was like that scene in the Brady Bunch.

Every time Maura told Cate she wanted to be chosen first or be included I thought of this scene. Maura really was such a spoiled brat. Anyways moving on.... This one actually took me awhile to pick up, not for lack of buying (I have two copies) but because I was really scared that it wouldn't end decently. I should have known better because of course when I finally picked it up I couldn't put it down. Which you could obviously tell from my previous statement. I think what I love most about these books is the way relationships change and that it doesn't go from oh I hate you to oh we're now friends. You get to see the relationships grow and change. Not only between her and Finn but Cate and Elena. I really hated Elena and thought she was a manipulative B&^%$.. If you know what I'm saying but in the end she turns out to be the right person to lead the Sisterhood and a friend to Cate. She was a smart women. And that's another thing that Jessica does well. She writes women and not just one type of woman but several different ones. The one thing they have in common (well most of them) is that they are loyal. I love to see female leads who are weak, and strong, and smart, and funny, and capable, and don't change themselves for a man but finds one who will stand on her side always. I really am surprised I didn't cry more! This was such a well done series.

I have to say as series go this was a really well done one. A lot of times the second book seems like a placeholder, a book to throw all the things that you couldn't in the first one, or just a place to put unnecessary drama. But Jessica did such an amazing job of staying true to the story. There wasn't to much drama or unnecessary drama. Which I liked. Sometimes authors feel like they have to throw in more drama to keep the readers invested. But a series done right won't need that. I think the way Jessica ended the book was really well done. The way the end really isn't tied up all neat and tidy (which I love) but that it shows that Cate and Finn and the Sisterhood still have a lot of work to do. There are still people who hate witches, but yet there are those who will support them! And I love that it ended like that. I know this review is kinda all over the place.. But I really am still not sure how to sum out the greatness of this book in simple form so it's not like 6 pages long! All I will say is that this book was really well done and that if your looking for witches or a book with a strong female lead you really should pick this one up! I cannot wait to see what the future holds for Jessica!