A review by queenoflexis
Shift by Jeri Smith-Ready


After totally falling in love with Shade, I had very high expectations for Shift. And I was not disappointed! Shift carries on from where we left Aura and Logan at the end of Shade. What goes down next only adds to the confusion and mystery surrounding the Shift. Aura continues to face the challenges of uncovering the secrets of the Shift and now she must also discover the secrets about her mother. With the help of Zachary, Aura finds life changing information about who she really is.

Along with everything else going on, Aura also has to struggle with her feelings for both Logan and Zachary. Each have a place in her heart but she knows that she can't maintain a relationship with Logan and her strong bond with Zachary only confirms her feelings.

I loved the twists and turns in this book. There were defiantly some shocking moments with the characters, especially with Zachary. There was one scene in which I wanted to scream at him for being so stupid! There were also some really heart felt moments which may have brought one or two (thousand) tears to my eyes. And of course, there were defiantly some super hot scenes!

I also felt like I got to know a bit more about the other characters like Dylan and Megan, who just add to the awesomeness of the story. As for Aura herself, I think she is a fabulous lead character and I certainly can't blame her for being torn between Zachary and Logan because they are both super hot characters. Jeri has officially made me want to move to Scotland immediately in order to find a Zachary of my own!

Definitely one of my favourite books of this year so far. This is a sizzling hot read that you won't want to put down! I actually cannot wait for the final book, Shine, to be released in May 2012 (do I have to wait that long?!)

Don't forget to connect with Jeri on Twitter, she is super nice!