A review by bookbriefs
Fractured Light by Rachel McClellan


Fractured Light was such a joy to read. I have been on a pretty good book streak lately. I have enjoyed almost all of the books i've been reading for the past few weeks, and then I come across a book like Fractured Light and I'm like, "now this is a GREAT book". It makes me rethink those other books that I have been reading and liking that got 4 stars or so, because this one is just better. I loved the whole experience of reading Fractured Light. The world of Light just sucked me in, I was connected with all of the characters and I am super, duper excited to continue on in this series. There are books that you like, and then there are books that you love. I loved Fractured Light!

Llona is such a sweet girl. And that could be due to the light that she carries within her but I think it is more than that. I liked that Llona was sweet, but I LOVED her inner strength. I liked that she wasn't just like the other light out there (that we know of anyways). She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty. She is actually pretty fierce, and it was this spirit and determination in her that took her from a cool character to a great character.

Christian is nice and super serious when it comes to protecting Llona. I pretty much knew something was up with him right from the start, but they do keep you in the dark about what it is for a good part of the book. I liked slowly piecing the puzzle together as the plot unfolded. I thought the pacing was great. It wasn't too rushed or too slow in any parts. It just kind of floated along at a medium to brisk pace. I would have liked to see a little bit more romance in the book but a certain character was pretty stubborn when it came to love. I hope there is more of where the book left off in the next installment.

The world in Fractured Light is so interesting because it is pretty much our world but with some new creatures thrown in co-existing with us. I liked the descriptions of the lights, and the vykens and I can't wait to see what is going to happen in the next book. It seems like it will be action packed with "light" goodness! Fractured Light is a paranormal lovers perfect book!