A review by errantdreams
Brave New World. Event Series by David Bishop


Bishop’s write-up does include information not shown in the “Brave New World” television episode, but not that much. This is a relatively short body of work, and only the short length makes it worth experiencing both the ebook and the episode. Although I will say, it’s interesting to see some parts from Noah’s point of view, seeing as he’s my favorite character from this fictional world. There’s a plot involving him that I look forward to seeing more of.

Because this is such a short piece (there’s only so much you can pack into a television episode, or the book based on it), there isn’t a lot of character development. That said, I think they packed more of that in than I expected. I read this piece, then watched the episode, then read this piece again just to compare and contrast a bit. I think they overlap enough that it isn’t necessary to read the book.

I have one other dislike that shows up in both the book and the TV show. I don’t want to give away details, so I’ll just say that toward the end there’s a plot involving a video game, a mysterious girl, and her missing father. I felt like I’d stepped into an entirely different genre and felt it didn’t fit the feel of the world-so-far at all.

NOTE: Review book provided free by publisher for review.
For a longer review, visit my site: http://www.errantdreams.com/2015/10/review-brave-new-world-david-bishop-heroes-reborn/