A review by debyc
A Means to an End by Lissa Marie Redmond


After thoroughly enjoying "The Murder Book" by Lissa Marie Redmond, I was very happy to receive this third book in the Cold Case Investigations series.

In "A Means to an End," Detective Riley is set on making sure that the person that she holds responsible for multiple murders from the previous books gets put away for it. In general, we know who the 'bad guy' is throughout the book and have very little reason to think otherwise, so the book is not a mystery the way that the second book was. I read the second book in the series without having read the first one and still liked it. I enjoyed the third book because I had the background from the second book. You could probably figure out the story without having read the first two, but I recommend reading the first books (or at least the second one!) before going into this one.

More than anything else, I enjoyed the character development of Lauren Riley from the previous book and into this one. She is not always a likeable (or relate able) character, but I have never outright disliked her or hated her for her choices (I think it's always hard to enjoy a book when the main character is awful). I felt that the supporting cast was a bit bland at times- hence, the four star review. Yet, I am very happy with this installment to the Cold Case Investigations. It was a quick read and I would recommend it to others who are interested in the genre.

Thank you Netgalley and Midnight Ink for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I was so happy to be given another Lissa Marie Redmond book for review! :) :)