A review by paddlefoot55
Whore by Willow Aster


ARC received via Netgalley for an honest review

It has been a while since I have read a Willow Aster story, so this sure was a different one to jump back into that pool.

The title alone had me intrigued, the blurb had me needing to jump right in.

Lilith's story is one of love, lost, betrayal and redemption. She is (mostly) a strong heroine and I couldn't help but cheer for her as she broke away from the life she was trapped in.

However about half way through, she started making some dumbass decisions, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes and think "really? That's what you're going to do?" But this could just be me.

The second half fell away a little for me, and everything felt a little rushed and a lot of "seriously?" moments - but again, that could just be me.

I did like where the story ended up though.

I will not be leaving it so long between reads in the future.

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