A review by soupdumpling
Freedom Is a Constant Struggle: Ferguson, Palestine, and the Foundations of a Movement by Angela Y. Davis


Angela Davis continually provides amazing insight and knowledge for everyone to be lifelong learns and advocates of change. I will revisit this book (alongside many of her other writings) many times to come in the future.

2 quotes that stood out and notes I took:
"No amount of psychological therapy or group training can effectively address racism in this country, unless we also begin to dismantle the structures of racism."
--> This reminds me of the iconic quote "the revolution will not be televised" which has also shifted to "the revolution will not be diversity and inclusion trainings." This need to be dismantled rather than band-aided over.

"Our young people deserve a future, and I consider it a mandate of my ancestors to be a part of the struggle to ensure that they have one."
--> I might not see changes in my lifetime, but I want the impacts I make now to produce changes in the future.