A review by eloiseinparis
Crown Thief by David Tallerman


I love a swashbuckling story. I love a story where giants and magic exist. I love a story of a criminal, who really became what they are to survive uses their bad skills to bring down evil. So I should have loved this story. I didn’t.

I did not read the first book in the story, I did not feel lost. But I did feel left out. Strong relationship’s had been established, and although things were sort of explained through out the book it wasn’t enough for the new reader to catch up. As I read the reviews for this book, they all said it was much better than the last. More than once I read how the first story lagged more than this one. So that ended a brief interest in going back to read the firs novel. There needed to be a synopsis of the story so far, and not just for the new reader. The assumption that the books had been read back to back and everyone would be all caught up and on board is a bad one.

What I really didn’t like was that there were opportunities for danger and adventure that were not taking advantage of. For example at the beginning of the book, Easie enters a town where he needs to use his thieving skills to do some recon. He treks through a sewer and meets an old ally, but the risk seemed minimal. I never felt like he was in danger where he could’ve been hurt or killed. I won’t be going back to read the first book, and I won’t be continuing with this series. It just wasn’t for me.