A review by finesilkflower
The Candy Smash by Jacqueline Davies


A return to format & form for the Lemonade series: yay, we're back to connecting the story to real-world lessons/skills/definitions! I would prefer a single overarching topic (like Business in book 1 and Law in book 2), rather than the two we have here (Poetry for Evan and Journalism for Jessie), but they both connect well to the story and can teach you a thing or two.

It's Valentine's Day in the Lemonadeverse. Running a class newspaper, Jessie tried to delve into the mystery of "who likes who" because (1) she doesn't understand and therefore must do research and (2) she knows it will move papers! She learns important lessons about journalistic ethics, including protecting sources and copyright infringement. Meanwhile, the depth of Evan's love for Megan is such than he can only express it in poetry, which the class happens to be learning about. Includes some poetry definitions I didn't know(!), interpretation of actual poems (I have always wanted a kids' book to do this; actually, I had an idea to write one, but I'm definitely not the right person, which is why I wanted the book in the first place; poetry was so mysterious to me as a kid; I'm a Jessie), and presents a cool technique for writing your own poetry. While the poetry definitions themselves don't relate to "lessons" Evan learns in the typical sense--his chapters are more about feelings--there is at least one example of the technique in the actual language of each chapter, and kids will have a fun time finding them.