A review by caedocyon
I'm a Wild Seed by Sharon Lee De La Cruz


Tries to pack a lot into too few pages, which means a lot of shorthand and infographic dumps.

I expected to learn something about how Octavia Butler's work* relates to all of this, and I would have been very interested in that, but it's just too short! (Did I miss it somehow?)

* [b:Wild Seed|52318|Wild Seed (Patternmaster, #1)|Octavia E. Butler|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1388462753l/52318._SY75_.jpg|1330000]... right?? I haven't read that one yet, but I did read another from the Patternmaster series, and the horror level is pretty much in line with all her other work.