A review by ostrava
Fantasy's Othering Fetish by P. Djèlí Clark


How is it that I didn't know of this essay-series up until now? I've been lucky to have found it online, otherwise I don't know if I would have bothered as regretful as that may sound. The articles themselves are very short, so it's a quick read that I would highly recommend if you have 10-15 minutes to spare.

Anyway, it's always great to read something which challenges your view of the world. I was aware of the problems surrounding the orientalist caricatures often found in speculative fiction, even if, granted, I am not well versed in its issues. I find the tone to be surprisingly calm too, so I don't think anyone can complain about the author's writing either. He works on a nuance much needed for dialogue and offers both bad and good examples of portrayals of PoC in the fantasy genre. Examples of some of the most popular fantasies are brought up, and they're mostly correct, even if they don't quite reject its otherwise successful ideas. Again, nuance. But self-awareness and a critical mind too, it's about having a better genre after all, not apologizing.

I was aware of the sometimes regretful orientalist elements in A Song of Ice and Fire, even if I don't believe they were done with bad intentions by Martin (although Essos has always been kind of a mess anyway). Bravoos for example is great, little depictions of culture here and there are not terribly realistic, but not problematic. The Dothraki are a shame though, as are the Ghiscari. I slightly disagree on Daenerys falling into the white savior trope, as I always perceived it as a deconstruction and rejection of the trope instead. It does depend on how things turn out in the last installments of the series, that is of course, if they ever come out. As for The Lord of The Rings and The Wheel of Time, I don't have much to say. In the case of the former, because of my overall lack of background on the discussion of race in the Middle Earth universe, in the latter, because I've honestly not read the work. I will keep the examples made in mind though.

In any case, a great take on the genre. And I am thankful for the examples of good depictions of PoC cultures made at the end, perhaps I should check them out some time in the future.