A review by madirowa
The Mirror of Her Dreams by Stephen R. Donaldson

I got so far through this book.... I was halfway done. And that's saying something because this book is a massive brick! I wanted to finish. I really did, but I've realized after putting it down in April and not picking it back up a few months later that there is no way I can force myself to read it.

At first I was interested. I thought that the magic with the mirrors was very cool, but that can only carry the book for so long. The main character, Terisa, was far too frustrating for me to handle any longer. She is so dull and all her motives are completely wrong. She drove me insane.

One of Terisa's actions that was pretty much the breaking point for me was her attraction(if that's the word for it) for an annoying rude middle aged man. How old is she again, in her young twenties? Yes okay, whatever, I mean it's not like there is this cute and adorable young man about your age who is practically in love with you hanging around. I mean, come on! What is wrong with her?

Maybe the book gets better, I won't know because I just can't finish the book. I was able to tolerate Terisa until her actions just started to make no sense. If don't know what love is, please don't try to find it with a middle aged man! Once I get through about 50% of the book I usually try to finish, but this is just not one of those cases.