A review by titanic
Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer


"...no longer to be poisoned by civilization he flees, and walks alone upon the land to become lost in the wild"

I'll admit that the first two or three chapters of this book were rather slow and I expected the rest of this book to go the same way, but it didn't. It picked up and my interest grew and I was able to enjoy reading about Chris McCandless and his journeys.

There was a small flaw in my opinion, and that was that the author wrote two chapters on his escape to Alaska, and how he went climbing and how he saw himself as McCandless, only he survived. And I agree on this count, they both have a handful of things in common but I didn't enjoy his story, reading about his expedition bored me and I thought two chapters on the journey was a bit much.

When the author wasn't telling his story, I enjoyed his writing. It was really nice how he linked all the people who knew "Chris McCandless/Alex Supertramp" into the story, he would give a little bit of background information on them, not enough to bore you but enough to give you some idea of the person(s).