A review by shelvesofstarlight
Welcome to Your Life by Bethany Rutter


This book was an absolute delight! It was full to the brim of female friendships, fun, humour and the desire to find oneself. Something I think that every woman can relate to, which I think is what makes this book truly wonderful.

Serena was such a brilliant main character because not only was she incredibly easy to sympathise with as she went through situations I think most people have been through in their life. Plus, while I and Serena are perhaps in entirely different life situations I really felt the journey she was going through in this book as I too am in the process of trying to love myself. Her friends, Lola and Nicole were absolutely brilliant. Full of fun and sparkle and sage wisdom for Serena whilst being characters of their own with stories of their own. And all the dates she went on were absolutely varied and brilliant. I won't say who she ended up with but I am glad that it worked out as it did.

The plot was joyful and engaging and dealt with serious topics whilst Serena was dating around London. It slotted in so well with the story that it didn't sound out of place and I was glad that it was in there. But seeing Serena grow and change into who she was meant to be was truly wonderful and I was so glad that she arrived at the point she was at by the end of the book. It was well-paced and I think that this book could be enjoyed by anyone and everyone who needs a bit of a pick me up. I can't say too much without giving away the plot so I will keep my lips sealed.

The writing was just brilliant. Fun and serious where it needed to be whilst not bringing the overall tone of the book down. I hope that Bethany Rutter writes more son because she is a truly wonderful author.

I was kindly sent a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review as part of a blog tour.