A review by tita_noir
Sacred Evil by Heather Graham


3.5 stars. I like this one a tick more than the first two in the series. In this one the Krewe are dispatched to NYC to help the police investigate a series of murders that are an exact replication of the murders attributed to Jack the Ripper. The lone eye-witness even describes the perp as a man in a cloak with a top hat and medical bag.

Like the other books, the modern day murder mystery also runs side-by-side with a long unsolved murder mystery that includes restless ghosts helping the intrepid crew out.

The romance in this one is between Whitney, the ghostly-apparitions-on-film expert/grand-daughter of a Voodoo priestess, and the lead NYC detective.

Again a nice solid entry in the series. My biggest minus is that the book focused a lot on Whitney in the beginning. She is the first of the crew to arrive in NYC and she quickly creates a rapport with Jude, the cop. I like the ensemble aspect of the series so I was kind of missing the rest of the group. But I really like the mystery aspect so it balanced out some of the (small)dissatisfaction I had with missing some of the group. I also wish we got to spend more time with Jenna and Will. So far those two are the least developed of the group but maybe they will feature more strongly in upcoming books.

The mystery was intriguing and I didn't guess the killer. Truthfully, though, it wasn't overtly clever or anything. There was no ah-ha! moment. In fact the way the story was crafted almost anyone could have been chosen as the killer.

Still, it was quick and fun and I am enjoying this series.