A review by myblissfulbooks
More Than a Fling by Amber Nation


Amber Nation completely sucks you in to the lives of Julia and Dean. Who have met before through their best friends who are engaged to get married. These are two people who are constantly at each other's throats. When life and the upcoming wedding throw the two together word and sparks fly! When they are apart they learn that some secrets and parts of their past is not so easily avoidable.

The one thing I hate about writing an review is that I don't want to let any spoilers out, which is really super hard! What I can tell you about this amazing book is that you will want to delve deeper into the story. Amber makes her characters so real that you feel connected to them. They feel like old friends.

I truly want my own Dean….he makes me swoon….Julia is a character who is strong, independent woman. Amber Nation is truly very gifted author.