A review by holtfan
Transformed: The Perils of the Frog Prince by Megan Morrison


"Anna! Anna! ANNA!"
Across the library, my sister looks up in mild annoyance.
She neither knows nor cares but well over two decades of living with me have taught her that the best thing to do is to hear me out when I am like this.
The librarians, meanwhile, join in the yelling. "AMY. SHUSH." But they've known me for almost two decades and chuckle while they say it.
And that is how I came into this book. And y'all, it is everything I hoped for and more.
It was so, so good!
Tyme is a wonderfully developed world with great, memorable characters, solid, believable character change, and, at least in the case of this book, unexpected endings. It is not a cliff hanger, but it leaves you wanting more.
And I want more.
But mostly I'm happy with the story I was given. This was a great retelling of the Frog Prince. It fits better as the third in the series since you kind of need to know about Rapunzel and Jack. But you also don't. You can just be generally familiar with their stories and jump in.
Two things super impressed me:
1. It has been a while (at least a year) since I read the first two books in the series but I didn't feel like I needed to give them a re-read to enjoy this book. It came back to me super fast without being unduly repetitious.
2. The romance. I adored it.
Spoiler And by that I mean, the lack of it. It made the character change so much more believable. Syrah might like the girl but that ship sailed. He burned his bridges. He paid penance as a frog but that did not change the reality of his situation. It also meant he had a sweet friendship with Rapunzel that wasn't romantic. He genuinely ships Jack with her. It showed maturity on his part. So both "main females" are given strong roles without being sidelined as romantic love interests.

I am so delighted it did not disappoint. I cannot wait for more! My sister better be ready. I'm going to shout every time I find one.

I have one question...WHY IS THIS BOOK NOT OUT YET?!