A review by xakyr
Adoring Addie by Leslie Gould


When I saw that this was going to be the Book of the Month for March in one of my reading groups, I got pretty excited about it, because the story line seemed really interesting. However, I hadn't read the preceding story in the series and worried I would miss some things, so when both of these came on sale on Amazon, I grabbed them both and figured I would read them eventually.

I was able to read [b:Courting Cate|13777891|Courting Cate (The Courtships of Lancaster County, #1)|Leslie Gould|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1344557111s/13777891.jpg|19411666] for a challenge in another group, but I was quite surprised to find that I enjoyed it so much I read it in a day. After finishing Cate's story this morning, I immediately started Addie's, and I again could not put it down.

While reading the reviews for [b:Minding Molly|17934563|Minding Molly (The Courtships of Lancaster County, #3)|Leslie Gould|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1371695246s/17934563.jpg|25142439], I was surprised to discover that these were an Amish take on some of Shakespeare's plays. I do enjoy retellings of fairy tales, and this series has been nothing short of a delight to me.
SpoilerI loved how Addie and Jonathan decided to stand up for what they wanted and work for a peaceful solution to the problems between their families that were similar to the ones found in Romeo and Juliet. I also liked that, in this book, the subjects of clinical depression and addiction in the Amish community was introduced and discussed.
The characters were easily identified with and connected to. Even though it is a Christian fiction story, I feel it is very relevant to a modern and contemporary audience. I'm looking forward to [b:Minding Molly|17934563|Minding Molly (The Courtships of Lancaster County, #3)|Leslie Gould|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1371695246s/17934563.jpg|25142439]!