A review by mpetruce
Halo: Evolutions: Essential Tales of the Halo Universe by Tobias S. Buckell


I can see why my son likes this; I read the book tie-ins for the various pop culture fads when I was his age. That said, they aren't bad and while you don't necessarily need to know or play Halo to understand these stories, it helps.

Some of the stories have short sections here and there that read like the author (or possibly the editor) went down a rote list of things from the video game that were required to be in the stories, just in case the drawing of the Spartan on the cover wasn't enough to tell you you're reading a Halo book. I like the inclusion of poems and occasional art. Nice touch.

But if you're into Halo, read these for sure. If you just like military SF, well, some are OK, so give them a look.