A review by rebeccafromflorida
The Trajectory of Dreams by Nicole Wolverton


Talk about a crazy book! When Nicole Wolverton emailed me about her novel, The Trajectory of Dreams, it sounded intriguing, especially because she likened it to Gone Girl. I was pretty excited to read it.

The Trajectory of Dreams is a novel about Lela, a woman who will do everything in her power in order to save the upcoming space shuttle launches from disaster. Lela works at a sleep study clinic, volunteers at the local library, and sneaks into astronaut’s houses in order to secretly study their sleep patterns. You know, the normal stuff.

Something is clearly strange about Lela and her whole situation. She feels alone on her mission but regularly communicates with her cat, Nike, and her deceased father, who both communicate back.

There is so much going on in this novel, and I just could not wait to find out what was fully going on. Like Gillian Flynn did in Gone Girl, Nicole Wolverton gave us pieces of information but left the completion of the puzzle until the end.

I do wish that when I finally found out what was going on that I found out in a slightly different way, but that didn’t take much away from my experience with the novel overall. I also figured out some of the pieces on my own, but was still very surprised with certain aspects that I can’t reveal here because you’ll just have to find out for yourself.

If you enjoy a psychological thriller, then you’d enjoy reading The Trajectory of Dreams by Nicole Wolverton. You’ll have to wait until it comes out in March 2013, but stick it on your to-read list!

I accepted this book in exchange for a fair and honest review.

What other psychological thrillers are out there that I should read?

Thanks for reading,

Rebecca @ Love at First Book