A review by cristinavulpe
The Enigmatologist by Ben Adams


Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for an electronic ARC of this book.

I initially thought I'd give this book a 5-star rating, but I eventually decided against it. Let me explain why. This is one of the coolest contemporary novels I've read this year, in that it's funny, quirky, and has several fantastic characters that have made me read and read, and I would've probably finished the book in one to two days, but... When I was about 70% into the novel, everything started getting cheesier and cheesier. I couldn't buy it anymore. I don't want to give too much detail particularly since The Enigmatologist hasn't even been published yet. One thing I do want to make clear, though. If you're not especially patient (and I'm not!), you'll find it a bit hard to finish the book.

*also published on Goodreads, Amazon, and NetGalley