A review by blueberry31
The Outsider by Stephen King


Hard to rate this book... I’ll start off by saying that I’m a fan of King’s style, he has the extraordinary ability to write in a way that makes the reader picture all the scenes very vividly. After reading a Stephen King novel I always remember it as if I just watched a movie because that’s how it feels when I read, like I’m actually seeing it happen.

I loved the first half of the book, and I was extremely intrigued. I guess I got a bit disappointed by the direction the story took in the second half because I was really not expecting it. The genre this book was classified under could have been a hint... It’s not like it was completely outrageous, King has this talent for making everything completely plausible and really gets you onboard with anything. I did follow along and buy into it, it was just... a bit of a letdown because I had expected something rational (also given the fact that the first half is written as any realistic murder-mystery would be). I also think the end had too much cheesiness to it, which could have been avoided.

So to conclude: entertaining but not amazing plot-wise. Amazing style-wise, as usual.