A review by bunnerz
Joining the Pack by Sam Hall


A short story about the FMC Jules going through the last stages of pregnancy and consequent birth. There was a little too much metaphysical magical singing stuff for my taste that didn't really contribute anything to the character development IMO. The chapters just cycled through all the different POVs of the men freaking out about being a father and the lavish gifts they were working on for their mate.

I read this novella after I had already finished all 5 of the main books, so it was a bit unsatisfying to know that this new baby
Spoilerwith seer powers
never showed up in any future books even as a mention, especially in [b:Playing for Keeps|59362957|Playing for Keeps (Pack Heat, #5)|Sam Hall|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1634455465l/59362957._SY75_.jpg|87427448] when Branwen showed up as the
SpoilerEvil Villain
Ratings - completed series:
#1 The Wolf at My Door: ★★★★☆
#2 Cry Wolf: ★★★☆☆
#3 Thrown to the Wolf: ★★☆☆☆
#3.5 Joining the Pack (this book): ★★★☆☆

#4 Survivor: ★★★★☆
#4.5 Noah: ★★★★☆
#5 Playing for Keeps: ★★★☆☆