A review by lileuw
How to Kill Your Husband {and Other Handy Household Hints} by Kathy Lette


(this review was originally written 2015)
Very short summary: Jazz’s (a rich stay at home mum) husband dies, of unnatural causes, while on holiday in Australia. Jazz gets suspected by the police almost immediately. Her two best friends , Cassie (a not so rich, teacher and mum) and Hannah (a childless artist), are trying to get her out, by proving it wasn’t Jazz who caused her husband’s death. What follows is a hilarious take on events. The book is written for ladies that are a little older than me, but it’s hilarious nonetheless. Personally I really, really despise reading/hearing/seeing anything with sex in it. Just freaks me out, but this book is so funny, I bravely kept reading it. I’ve read this book three times. At least. Like I said, the book is a light read, a really great holiday book, and I fully recommend you reading this book, if murdering your partner is something that gets on your mind occasionally.