A review by meeshie1212
Sleet Banshee by S.J. Tilly


Alright, I genuinely enjoy the other books in this series. I think they were good, quick, easy reads with a good amount of spice and were fast paced. This book checked all those boxes but I had a couple issues with it. I have to admit I struggled a bit with it, it was def not my favourite series but it has some good points.

- Don and Mary finally hooked up (honestly waiting since book one)
- Megs and Ash had some of the best spicy scenes in the series
- Samuel (Sebastian’s brother) saved this book, he was my favourite character in the entire series

- I did not like Ash’s sister, Annabelle. I’m sorry I can not handle people meddling in their friends/siblings relationships (yes this goes for Megs and Isabelle’s relationship in book 2)
- What was the ending? They got together in the last chapter so quickly I had to reread the entire chapter

I was hyped that I finished the series and that I liked the books. Would I reread this book? Probably not. If I did I think I would skip a lot so why bother?