A review by bookedbyruqs
Legend by Marie Lu


Okay so before I start this review I want to say that I missed reading dystopians. This book reminded me how cool are they and how much I enjoy this genre. I'm such a sucker for dystopians. I love the energy, the rush I get from them. This is one of the good ones. A dystopian well worth reading!

It's action packed filled with thrilling scenes, smart decisions, emotions and caring messages.I also enjoyed the romance here. It was different.

We've got two narrators: the notorious criminal, Day, and the noble citizen, though a little rebellious, June. Day has escaped death before, and he's only trying to survive while taking care of his family, especially his sick brother. June got a perfect score on her Trial and she's trying to get revenge for her brother's death. Their paths cross and the story takes hold in the most unprecedented way.

This story is told in alternating POVs between Day (Daniel Altan Wing) who is a criminal on the run from the Republic authorities, and June Iparis a recent graduate of the Republic academy who is placed on a mission to hunt down Day. When these two characters collide, secrets and conspiracies force them to take a closer look around them to find their true enemy and an all out manhunt explodes.

I truly enjoyed both of these narrators equally - which rarely happens. They both have great characteristics that make each POV really interesting and addicting. I couldn't wait to find out how their situations would play out. It was brilliant. We go through the story on both sides, and we're persuaded to root for each of them the all the same. It was original and well thought out. June was great.A badass, beautiful fifteen year old heroine. She is hell of a smartass also and she sure knows what she is capable of.

The plot was typical dystopian; the world is completely changed and a new government has taken over, and they may or may not have everyone's best interest at heart *cough*. With Lu’s debut novel, she’s created this moment in time, over 100 years into the future, where the United States has split between the Colonies and the Republic and natural disasters have drastically changed the landscape of California and its surrounding states. Plagues are diminishing the population; and two sides of what was once one country are fighting each other using biological warfare, lies and anything and everything in their arsenal for land and power.

It was fast paced, which is always welcome in this type of book. There were no slow or boring parts, and it also didn't go in the direction I imagined it would. Which is great because it took me off guard and kept me really glued to the story.

I don’t even know why but I absolutely love him!!! Day is such a great character and I was with him every step of the way! I hated that he had to suffer so much and that his entire life was screwed up by Commander Jameson. I mean, seriously, that boy just tried to survive! Why did they want to get rid of him even though he had such a high score?! I really hope we’ll solve that mystery in one of the following books! Also it was so obvious that he cared about his family and to take that away from him, to kill them... It wasn’t right. Day never hurt anyone and he didn’t deserve this. He’s a precious snowflake and I hope June will take good care of him in the following books. I guess what appeals to me the most, is that he’s a survival artist and knows exactly how to use his abilities to his advantage. There’s no hesitation, he knows his limits and he knows when to push them. Which makes him a genuinely intriguing character I definitely want to read more about. =)

I think it’s sad that Metias taken out of the picture so fast! Metias seemed like a nice character and I would have loved to get to know him better but then again his death was some sort of catalyst to kick off the storyline and therefore was necessary and inevitable. The little we got to see of him before he died was great though. His love for June was obvious and I really hope there will be more revelations about his past and the work of their parents.

Marie Lu has created a book where the voices are powerful, the narrative is commanding, and the plot is explosive… all the way to the absolute end. Legend has shot up to my top spot in highly addictive series. This book was nothing short of riveting making it worthy of applause.