A review by lelex
Things to Do When You're Goth in the Country: And Other Stories by Chavisa Woods


This was both very different than what I thought it was and also exactly like what I thought it was. Some of the stories really did it for me and a few of the other ones didn't really. I think my favorites were Revelations and the titular Things to Do When You're Goth in the Country.

"Apparently you can go home again, but maybe you just shouldn't."

"It was just like any other slumber party I'd ever been to, except it was being hosted by a homeless adult, and we were in a cemetery hiding in a candlelit one-room mausoleum."

"Rich people are hard enough to deal with when not on acid."

"They seemed to like me though. They were always sort of awed by the fact that I have no interest in appearing super smart,"

"Tyson was in line right in front of me. Our last names began with the letters at the end of the alphabet, so we did everything last, together."

"Nearly, but not quite, as shocking as surprise exorcism. If you are going to be Goth in the country and really go for it, I would highly recommend a nonconsensual, surprise Southern Baptist exorcism. There's not anything else that can compete."

"It told me to always smell the grass. It told me the wind would guide and protect me and loved me unconditionally because I was exceptionally beautiful to the wind in my area. It told me where to find dead things."