A review by chattynattyreads
Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the Us by Lenny Duncan


A very needed read for the current times. I’m always amazed with author’s bravery in being totally open and honest. I fear if not only the church, but communities as we know it don’t move towards loving and caring as Jesus did/does we are a sinking humanity.

Favorite lines...
Pg18 We need justice to be the heart of our work and life, not just something we do for “God’s Work Our Hands Sunday”.

Pg 35 Diversity is not assimilation in the same way grace is not the law.

Pg 78 People are deciding not to come to our churches because we have allowed them to be country clubs where we pantomime discipleship to be German/Swedish cultural centers, not because we finally got the courage to live God’s own children.

Pg 125 Our churches are emptying because we have become navel-gazing social clubs that are more concerned with the fund to keep the organ alive than funds for refugees.