A review by beckylej
The 7th Woman by Frédérique Molay, Anne Trager


THE 7th WOMAN takes place over the course of just seven days, which makes for quite a quick and intense read. Molay throws in a few red herrings - both for the reader as well as the characters themselves - and all in all the mystery itself is fairly well plotted and interesting. I can't say it was all that hard to see around the false leads or to figure out who the killer was, but it was still interesting to see the case unfold for the characters.

My only serious issue with THE 7th WOMAN was the insta-love. It's not usually a big beef of mine - other readers are far less forgiving of it than I typically am - but in this case the progression of Sirsky's relationship was just a bit too quick for me. I understood the need to attach Sirsky to a love interest but it's something that I felt could have been already in progress when the book began as opposed to the overnight infatuation Molay created here.

THE 7th WOMAN is translated by Anne Trager and works quite well. There were some instances where the dialogue and narrative felt a bit simplistic but I'm not at all certain whether that would be chalked up to a basic translation or the actual writing (I'm assuming it would be the writing itself). It wasn't anything that detracted from the reading at all, simply an observation I'd had with the style of the book as a whole.