A review by bookstoashes
Library of Souls by Ransom Riggs


3 Stars!

Why did I think this series was going to get better? I read all three books, hoping they would improve, now I regret putting hours into them. It's not like they were horrible books, not at all, it was just not for me. It felt more middle grade than YA, with some hints of violent scenes to remind us that it's in fact Young Adult.

The characters are supposed to be decades old, yet they act like children, the only character I liked was Jacob, whom was technically the youngest. His abilities are super cool, the only time I was actually invested was the scenes involving the hollows and him, otherwise it was kind of bland.

Also, considering peculiars seem to be in hiding, it's also ironic that whenever they bump into someone (or a group of people) coincidentally they're also peculiar. Almost every single time. AHHH!
I liked some aspects, but this series taught me if I don't enjoy the first, or second book in a series, just DNF it, there is no point pushing through in hopes it gets better later on. I know a lot of others love this series but it's just not my cup of tea.