A review by stucknbooks14
Break the Ice by L.A. Cotton


(I received an ARC for this book)

Trigger Warnings include:
disordered eating and (historical) physical abuse

I don’t like harping too much about what I didn’t like in reviews. But unfortunately, there wasn’t much that I did like about this one. By 30% I should have found at least something to enjoy about the main characters, but I just couldn’t get attached to them. I instantly disliked Noah. He was rude, inconsiderate, entirely too cocky. Wore that “playboy” label with too much pride. Also participated in “locker room talk”. He decided to be a decent human being just because he didn’t like other people talking crap about the girl he was infatuated with. Because I have no idea what it’s like to experience the things Rory has been through, I can’t and won’t comment on the way she’s dealing with it. But I will say this: as a reader, it felt like a mind game. Like we weren’t meant to feel bad for her, and I didn’t like that. She mentioned all that therapy, and all those doctors, but the more we spent time with her, the less I believed that. And I didn't like that, not one bit. Noah beats himself up because he made her doubt him, second guess his motives. But that’s not true. That was her own doing. And that killed me. He was truly wanting to change, and Rory was taking out her insecurities on him. I really should have DNF’ed this back at 30/40%. But I REALLY did want them to figure their stuff out. But it was too much for me. I did officially tap out at 60%. After not fully enjoying Ice Burn, I wanted to give the series another try, but this one just isn’t for me. While I enjoyed the writing, and did find the storyline interesting, these characters just aren’t for me.

I do want to point out that the way the author approached these very real topics was beautifully done. It was thoughtful, inclusive, and felt like a safe space. It just isn’t my space to be in.

My Favorite Quotes:
• “Not Jesus, but I am going to make you sing my praises.”
• “I want you. Anyway I can get you.”
• “Did you dream of me? Because I sure as f!ck dreamed of you.”
• “I love those little sounds you make.”

6/10 Dirty Birdy
7/10 Brother’s BFF
7/10 Forced Proximity
5/10 Second Chance
7/10 Sports Romance
4/10 Series

This is my review for Ice Burn