A review by shai3d
The Forever Girl by Rebecca Hamilton


I really had to sit and ponder about how to rate this book. Or perhaps more correctly what I felt when I finished it. There were a lot of points to consider, mostly good one.

Ms. Hamilton does have a gift with characters and dialogue. I could so totally relate with Sophia and her insecurities. And Charles is almost too good to be true so I would have taken as long as Sophia did to trust him. Oh and don't get me started about her mother. What a piece of work.

I loved almost all of the book. I did find a couple content errors but they were small ones that didn't really pull me out of the story. What I didn't like was the ending. It felt as though it was just tacked on so that what was a really good single book could be stretched out into a series. And I am still not sure what I think about that.

This book is worth reading. Just be prepared for that sudden right turn.

I recommend this book to lovers of horror and paranormal romance. I rate it a 3.5.

**I received this book at no charge from the author in exchange for an honest review.