A review by jennybuysbooks
Out Of Touch by Michael Sarais


This was a bit tricky for me to rate because there were things I really loved about this books and things that just didn’t work for me. 

What I loved:
• the pining! 
• It was tearing me up every time Teddy and Vincent had to say goodbye to each other over the years. And it all made sense for where they were in their lives. I mean it was heartbreaking. 
• the joy of first love compared to the hand you get dealt in life as you grow older
• the friends!
• Teddy and Vincent in general. I really loved them separately and as a couple
• the time jumps. I love romances that are structured this way

What didn’t work for me:
• there was a lot of trauma these two folks had to endure.
I felt like the Huntington's and the sexual assault was enough but once we got to the husbands drug abuse (like v hardcore drug abuse) and then the mom paying off the brothers baby mama? It was just a touch too much for me and started to feel a little unreal and took me out of the story. I just don’t think it was needed.

• the lack of safe sex or any discussions on the matter. This will always be an issue for me and will lower a star rating. I want to hear the discussion of prep and clean blood-work if the characters decide to not use condoms. Safe sex is sexy! Especially when both partners have had multiple partners and one was partners with
somebody with an intravenous drug problem.
It’s two throw away lines in a sex scene but I really need it to keep me from getting the icks. 

The first 25% had me convinced that this was a no brained five star read for me, but even though it lost me a little along the way, I still think it’s a good story. I also really want to read more of the authors work. 

A big thanks to the author for providing me a review copy in exchange for an honest review.