A review by momwithareadingproblem
Lovestruck by Siobhan Davis


I received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of this review.

Initial Reaction:

Ummm...yeah so Lovestruck by Siobhan Davis is a quick, short story (like only 30-40 pages) told from Cal's point of view and set just before the Calling in book one.

*Note: If you have not read book one True Calling, read this review at your own risk as there will be minor spoilers.

*Another Note ;) Since this is a SHORT story, my review will also be short.

So you know how I keep saying something is off with Cal? That I just don't fully trust him? Well....I was right. Something is off and you MUST read this short to get the full of it!

Cal is tired of going from one girl to the next and then he sets his sight on Ariana Skyee, a fellow cadet at the training academy, yet she doesn't see him. And when she does she ignores him or insults him. As a result he becomes a tiny bit obsessed....
I'm hiding carefully in the shadows at the edge of Ariana's house, secretly watching her. I come here most nights, though she has no idea that I do.

So yeah...can we say stalker?!

What I really liked about this story is that we do get to see inside Cal's head. It's nice to get other POV in a story, it gives the characters more character ;) Also can I just say I love Ben, Cal's BFF?! He's awesome and definitely a moral compass for our Cal.

Overall if you enjoy the True Calling series, than this short is a must. It gives you a little insight into Cal and his odd behavior, specifically going into Beyond Reach. I really enjoyed getting into Cal's head and wish it could've been a little longer. Can't wait for more from this series!