A review by jacqueleenthereadingqueen
Filthy Sweet by R. Cayden


This book is exactly what the title implies Filthy and Sweet. I liked the book, but this one wasn't love. There was some mild angst, but it comes from outside sources not between the MCs. This is falling for your best friends nerdy little brother and proceeding to do dirty dirty things to him. Things that Owen begs Fox for, things that Owen has desperately wanted to explore.

I liked how supportive Fox was of Owen and his desires. He made sure to never shame him, and always encourage him to ask for what he wants. Fox gave Owen confidence and in return Owen gave Fox someone who he could lean on. That is something Fox has never had in his life, except with his best friend Reggie who just happens to be Owens big bro. There in lies the problem.

I did really love Reggie and his use of the BIG REGGIE voice. He was definitely a muscled bro, but he was also just such a happy guy. He always seemed to be smiling and looked for the good in people. Reggie is a bit overprotective of his little brother, but it comes from a good place. It comes from a place of love and I wish everyone in the world had someone like Reggie in their life.