A review by jojesweden
Fallen University: Year One by Callie Rose

Did not finish book. Stopped at 0%.
This felt very thin and I just couldn't get invested in the FMC. Nothing seemed to really bother her and she also didn't seem to have any goals, ambitions, or even much agency. Why didn't she try to find out what type of demon she was as soon as she learned that there were more than one type? Why didn't she seem to care why Sonya(spelling?) hated her? She is curious at one point, and tha 's when she goes exploring the school, but we essentially don't get to see any of her explorations except when she runs into two of her boys. I.e. the only time she seemed to have agency, it was purely so we'd get a scene with the boys. I just couldn't make myself care.

Maybe it was the lack of stronger expressions of emotion from the narrator, but I don't think so. I've had these issues with Callie Rose's books before. I guess she's just not a good fit for me.

Also, the "getting more people off the grid to save the environment" goal of one of the characters is so naive that it comes off as stupid. Either Callie Rose believes this without looking further into it or she believes that this is what actual environmentalists believe and is trying to come off as more aware than she really is. The FMC melting bc of this heroic idealism just made her even more difficult to care about.