A review by carsonelainee
The Night Runs Red by Amber Palmer


Vampire books are an instant win for me and The Night Runs Red was a lot of fun as a result of that. I had seen the author promoting the book on her Instagram and immediately wanted to read it. I requested to be on her ARC team and I got one! It was a really good day.

When I first started the book, however, I was a little iffy. The writing style was very juvenile and it made it hard to really get into the book without turning my nose up at it. I almost dnf'ed because it seemed so ridiculous to me. But I pushed through and I am glad. While the writing doesn't necessarily get better, the plot becomes so addictive that you almost don't notice the writing.

While it's not a standout, it was a very fun read for me and I love the pace and angst of the whole thing. Any fantasy romance that has some good angst, I'll be head over heels for it. The Night Runs Red definitely has some good angst.

What I would have loved would have been for this book to expand upon its content a bit. There could have been 75+ more pages and it would have fleshed out what the author had set out to do a little better. It felt like a lot of things were dropped on us and then not fully fleshed out or really explained. The ending especially could have been used a little more because I was honestly a bit confused about what happened.

Overall, a fun read and I can't wait for book two.