A review by etienne02
Dead Birds (Deadhorse #1) by Eric Grissom, David Halvorson, Phil Sloan


2,5/5. I was going into this one expecting something similar to Gregory Suicide since it's by the same author. I was wrong. Totally different in every aspect. I nonetheless like the artwork, a weird style, some old school but with a touch, it was pretty enough. My problem was with the story. It felt too weird, like the author pitch his ideas right in without a second thought. So we get a bit of humor, which didn't work well with me, just wasn't my style, and a story that seem to go in every direction while going nowhere. I can't say I enjoy and I won't continue the series. Good and bad, I like the originality of it, and, I said the same thing about Gregory Suicide, this author has real talent, but his work always look a bit unfinished, rushed or just not polished. I don't no how much time he put into them and I'm not here to judge or anything, but it look to be like he could achieve something was better by putting more time into a second or third look and by a better editing job. Just my opinion...