A review by colleens_conclusions
Meet Cute by Helena Hunting


Meet Cute by Helena Hunting was a pleasantly enjoyable read! I was surprised that this wasn't going to be featured by meet cutes in the story like other romance books I have read were, but I still enjoyed this plot line.

I'm beginning to like those post college friendships type of books because they seem to be developed well. I really liked Kailyn and Dax.

Meet Cute is not a 100 percent fluffy romance book despite what the cover leads you to believe. There's that saying that says don't judge a book by it's cover. It took me on an emotional rollercoaster but I think that rollercoaster made me attached to the characters.

It was a little predicable but most romance books are predictable. I spotted who the villian of the story was going to be before they were revealed but I'm not spoiling that here.

I definitely recommend giving Meet Cute a try, but you may need a box of tissues handy if you cry easily during books and movies. Meet Cute was a five star library ebook.