A review by bookbriefs
First Frost by Liz DeJesus


I think it's fairy tale week at Book Briefs, because here is another fairy tale book. But this isn't a retelling, it is more of an alternate universe to fairy tale land, kind of book. I loved how the worlds were set up. Fairy tales are real and Bianca's family has possibily the coolest museum in the whole world. They have a fairy tale artifacts museum. I would love to go there!

So one day Bianca finds out that the stuff at the museum is real and that her family are actually witches that come from a direct line of Snow White. First Frost is a fast paced action adventure with a big time magical twist. I loved seeing all of the various items from the fairy tales and seeing how Bianca used them on her quest. What was her quest? She had to get her mother back from the evil witch. First Frost kind of reminded me of the tv mini series, The Tenth Kingdom or the ABC show Once Upon a Time. I just love the idea of all the fairy tales together and having a modern take on how all of it really went down.

Bianca took the news that her family is magical all in stride. At first I thought it was a little unrealistic how easily she was taking in all of the information, but then I stopped to think about it for a minute. She saw actual magic. I guess once you see magic in action, the cat is out of the bag. Plus her friend, jumped on board as soon as she found out as well, BUT she was justifiably nervous in the new land. I thought that she initial reaction was a little unrealistic, but as soon as Ming had time to think things over she reacted how I would have in her shoes. It made me like her a little more.

Bianca crosses over to Everafter with a spell. There she meets a prince and Terrance. I liked both of them. I really liked how the prince was kind of cocky and thought he was the best thing since sliced bread, because lets be honest- a prince probably would be spoiled and a little arrogant. I thought that was a nice touch, rather than having the super charming prince that everyone loves.

First Frost mixes a bunch of different classic fairy tales together. I thought it was well written, and I loved seeing all of the characters work together and interact. My favorite part was seeing how Bianca would use the artifacts from the museum on her quest. There is even a small, but adorable, romance brewing in the story. Fans of fairy tales should check out First Frost. There is a bit of a cliffhanger to segway into book 2, but I thought overall book 1 was a complete story on its own. I wasn't left completely hanging. This is a great fairy tale adventure.